Walk the tracks of Tacoma's history


Take a walk into history along the Prairie Line Trail. Our mobile-friendly, interactive walking tour was designed to bring the public art, historic buildings, and many points of interest along the trail to life right on your cell phone or computer. Visit in person with your cell phone for a geo-targeted experience.

What is the Prairie Line Trail?

A mile-long park filled with art and history, the Prairie Line Trail was created by the City of Tacoma along the tracks of the retired Prairie Line. It links our waterfront, downtown, University, and Brewery Districts. In short, it’s Tacoma’s story in 5,280 feet. 

Signed into being by Abraham Lincoln, built with the toil of immigrants, on land stolen from the S’puyaləpabš (Puyallup Tribe), the Prairie Line has stories to tell. This stretch of track is the western end of the Northern Pacific Railroad. It’s also where ideas, cultures, people, and technologies collided to make the Tacoma of today.

About this Project

Undated image looking west up South 19th Street, Tacoma as a locomotive travels along the Prairie Line track. The Swiss Tavern is visible in background.   Tacoma Public Library, General Photograph Collection G44.1-130
Logo: Washington State Historical Society

This project was funded by the State of Washington, through a grant administered by the Washington State Historical Society.

Logo: City of Tacoma

The City of Tacoma Planning and Development Services partners with the community to build a livable, sustainable and safe City.

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